Monday 10 September 2012

Autumnal Appetiser


 Top and Skirt: Local shops
Necklace: From when I was a goth!
Shoes: International

So, the other day was none too warm and I couldn't have been happier!
I know, sad but I really do love autumn, snugly jumpers and boots is just the best.
This is one of those outfits that you plan in your head and think will look amazing so I'm happy with how it turned out!
Normally I do this and end up looking rubbish.
Some of these items I will talk about at a later date 'cos I'm really happy with the bargains I found. 

Thanks to the loverly boy who played photographer, although he did take some hideously unflattering photos at first! 
I will not include those!
Ignore my awkward pose and face!

Love Nina.


  1. this outfit is soo autumny! lovely :) x

  2. I love your khaki green jumper and the studs you've added to them later on too. You are super talented! I am definitely following your blog! x

  3. Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your skirt, what a great shape and that sweeter is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are really beautiful and your accessories rock! Your have a lovely blog by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

    1. Aww thanks for the loverly comment =] Ive followed back =]
